Goals Plus Intentions: Global Purpose

December through to January offers a powerful opportunity for reflection and change. The closing of one year followed by the opening of another is a period of transition often overlooked in all the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season.  I am not talking about the dreaded New Year’s resolution here.  Rather, I am referring to a natural break in the action where people can connect to a global energy that is bigger, broader, and more sustainable.

As I consider the coming year, questions around goals and intentions begin to swirl around in my mind.  From a professional perspective, I understand that language, and how we frame our thoughts, has a strong influence on our mind and the way we receive and interpret new information.

Unhelpful Thinking

I welcome the opportunity to reflect and regroup.  For some, however, reflection, goal, and intention setting feels like an overwhelming chore.  As soon as the conversation begins eyes glaze over and unhelpful thinking patterns move in. Some common culprits include:

  • Black and white thinking – I am good/bad at…
  • Predictive thinking – I know exactly what’s going to happen…
  • Overgeneralization – This will never work for me…

Alongside unhelpful thinking patterns, I have also noticed confusion about the language being used.  Specifically, with words like goals and intentions often being used interchangeably.

Differences: Goals/Intentions

A common conversation with people this time of year includes discussion about the difference between setting goals and creating intentions.  In an effort to clarify I offer a brief side by side comparison of the two concepts:  

Setting Goals

Creating Intentions

Uses linear cognitive processes Uses heartfelt principles
Requires analysis and reasoning Requires surrender to universal processes
Calls for concrete action plans Calls for trust in the power of universal energy
Driven by scarcity – What I don’t have… Driven by core values and purpose
Measured by losses and/or gains Measured by a felt sense – satisfaction, gratitude etc.
Can easily be derailed… Are constantly out there…
Often difficult to sustain over the long-term Often easier to sustain over the long-term
A future-oriented mindset – success/failure A present focused mindset – trusting the process

Global Purpose

Taking parts from both worlds to craft goals and intentions AND aligning them with your core values and purpose creates a powerful synergy – I call this global purpose.  Let me explain by breaking down a personal example. 

My global purpose is centered around advocacy (core value) and positively influencing people’s lives (purpose).

My global purpose: Goals

My global purpose: Intentions

Write & publish one blog post a month Get crystal clear about my intentions using all the senses – visual, auditory, physical etc.
Attend X professional development conference Take a quiet moment at the beginning of each day – set the intention
Write, move, meditate daily At the end of the day reflect. Make a gentle internal inquiry – How did the day go?

Whether you decide to set goals, create intentions or both – Remember, true wellness comes from a holistic model of care which includes quality sleep, effective stress management, movement (aka – exercise), and healthy fuel (aka – healthy food & hydration).  When goals and intentions are combined with holistic wellness strategies people begin to thrive:).

Thanks & take care,

Kate J.

Interested in learning more? Here are links to resources I found helpful:





1 thought on “Goals Plus Intentions: Global Purpose”

  1. What an important distinction you have made between goals and intentions. We must be easy about it.

    Wonderful to experience your site and see all you are sharing with others.

    I appreciate all I have learned while visiting.


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